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Het is gelijk of U in België woont, of gewoon hier bent, op bezoek. Er is hier veel te zien en te doen wat betreft de vele offers gegeven voor de bevrijding van Europa. Bezoek een van de musea die het verleden weer tot leven roept, of verken het landschap voor bepaalde gedenktekens en monumenten. Er zijn tientallen musea gewijd aan de Eerste en Tweede Wereldoorlog in België. Hieronder vindt u enkele aanbevolen musea en monumenten:

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The Battle of the Ardennes Museum is a small, family owned museum in La Roche en Ardennes. It has an interesting collection of memorabilia from the war. If you find yourself in La Roche, it is worth a visit.

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Kazerne Dossin was a former Belgian military barracks that the Nazis used as a concentration point for Jews before sending them to the death camps in Eastern Europe. It tells the story of what happened to the Jewish citizens of Belgium in WWII, and holocaust.

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The Remember Museum 39-45 museum is owned and run by Marcel and Mathilde Schmetz as their tribute to the Americans who liberated them. Dozens of American veterans have donated items to the museum, and Marcel and Mathilde keep their memory alive. It is located at les Bèolies 4, 4890 Thimister-Clermont, not far from the Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery. The museum's opening hours are limited, so check their website for more information.

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The Museum de la Battaille de La Salm is a small museum near Vielsham that is dedicated to the fighting in the area of the river Salm during the Battle of the Bulge.

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The Ardennen Poteau 44 Museum is a small family-owned museum dedicated to the Battle of the Bulge. It is located in the middle of a former battlefield, where the US 14th Cavalry Group was ambushed by the Nazis on 18 December 1944. It has a rather large collection of military vehicles.

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Located on the Belgian coast just outside of Oostende, Atlantikwall Museum is a preserved section of the Nazi fortifications that ran along the coast of Belgium and France to defend against the invasion that eventually came at Normandy on D-Day.

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The December 44 Historical Museum in La Gleize is located at the site where SS Panzer Commander Joachim Peiper was forced to abandon his tanks in the Battle of the Bulge. The museum is dedicated the events on the northern flank of the Battle of the Bulge. One of Peiper's King Tiger panzers that he left behind is sitting outside of the museum. There is also a historically interesting bicycle related to the Malmedy Massacre inside the museum.

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This museum is owned by the Schier family. When Mr. Schier returned to his ruined property in 1919, it was criss-crossed with trenches, shell holes, and artifacts from the war. Schier decided to leave the ground as it was and turn it into a museum. He built a small building, started collecting artifacts. He even began giving battlefield tours to the first groups of tourists in the 1920s, mostly soldiers and relatives of the dead. In the interwar period, the museum was quite famous. Herman Goering himself came to see it during the Second World War. Today, it still contains the artifacts that Schier collected, and the trenches are still preserved. It also has some very interesting 3-D viewing machines which date from the interwar period. It is situated three miles east of Ieper on the road leading to the Hill 62 Canadian War Memorial and the Sanctuary Wood British cemetery. The museum does not have a website.

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A small private museum with its own collection of found and acquired civil and military gear including American appliances and utensils as well as German military and propaganda material objects, badges, weapons, photographs and maps. Built by Frederic Winkin in 2007 is located at 54, rue des Ardennes, 4920 Aywaille, Belgium. The museum is open by appointment and on Sunday afternoon from 14:00 to 18:00

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Located in Bütgenbach, the Belgian Army runs the Truschbaum Museum, and it is located on a Belgian army base. It tells the story of Camp Elsenborn. One part of this story is the struggle for the Elsenborn ridge during the Battle of the Bulge in which the "battle babies of the 99th US Infantry Division distinguished themselves.