Since 1923, Americans and Belgians have gathered on Memorial Day to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for liberty in World Wars I and II. COVID-19 is not going to stop us this year. Instead of gathering at the American cemeteries and isolated graves in Belgium as we do each year, join our online Memorial Day ceremony to remember America’s war dead. Representatives of the American and Belgian governments and militaries, leaders of local communities, and private citizens will offer moving tributes. You can experience the ceremony live with families and friends in virtual “seating areas,” where you can interact with each other as you would during a ceremony in person. The few remaining WWII veterans who are still with us can continue their tradition of remembering their fallen brothers-in-arms from the safety of their own homes. You can also lay virtual flowers and offer tributes to the fallen. The ceremony will take place on Memorial Day itself, Monday 31 May at 8pm CEST, 2pm EDT, 1pm CDT, noon MDT, and 11.00 PDT. Visit www.memorialdayonline.com now to learn more about it. The ceremony will take place at the same online location.